A culture could be described as a group of shared ideas and habits of a group of individuals who live together, which distinguishes that group’s identity. Common values and perspectives are at the heart of any culture. Remember how our experts focused on personality in our previous workshop? Now, culture for a team or organization can be compared to personality for individuals, and this is what is called organizational culture.

Importance of organizational culture
  1. Gives an organization and its people a sense of direction.
  2. Assists in the promotion of certain behaviors that contribute to an organization’s peaceful and productive growth.
  3. Assists in the maintenance of peaceful co-existence
  4. Facilitates the integration, diversification, and inclusion of persons from various backgrounds in the workplace.
  5. Makes decision-making easier because stakeholders already know what is right and wrong.

Factors influencing of organizational culture

  1. The leadership style and type.
  2. The availability and nature of employee recognition and reward.
  3. The level of employee participation in decision-making The ease with which stakeholders communicate.
  4. Conflict resolution strategies’ presence and kind.
  5. The extent to which diverse stakeholders are represented and included.

Everything from timeliness and tone to contract terms and employee job satisfaction and productivity is influenced by your company’s culture. When the company climate culture suits their needs, employees are much more likely to feel more confident, engaged, and respected. Organizations that place a strong focus on culture are more likely to survive challenging economic times.

Organizational culture is critical in attracting talent and keeping up with rivals. As millennials take on more managerial roles in the workplace, a trend has emerged in which a large percentage of employees research a company’s culture before applying, with more than half of employees willing to quit for a lower-paying opportunity at a company with a better culture. The company culture is one of the most important indicators of employee happiness and one of the main reasons why so many people stay in their professions.

Our lead organizational strategy consultant Sarah Murimi works with tens of clients to help discover, refine and communicate an effective organizational culture to promote job satisfaction and overall increase in workplace productivity.

Is your organizational structure going to suffice? See what we have to say

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