What is People Strategy...?

The question is not if you should have a people strategy, it is why you don’t already have one. In today’s competitive corporate business world, the people factor is becoming increasingly important, and can no longer be ignored. In fact, some of the companies that are doing extraordinarily well have mastered the art of managing their people in a manner that empowers them to realize their individual goals, as a way of motivating them to be memories such as the Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are important in strengthening the people strategy, by understanding happy employees are more productive.

Our philosophy is very simple, if you want to create great customers, you must start from great employees. The secret sauce to great customer experience is great employee experience, built into a strong and effective workplace culture that sustains itself. This is advised by the fact that we have discovered through our past clients that when employees feel part of the bigger vision, they are more productive in the workplace. We understand that building super effective teams at the workplace can be a complex process that requires meticulous planning and execution, because people are different and may require a wide variety of stimuli to motivate them to be productive.

When employees understand the role they have to play in making the vision within an organization a reality, they give all they can to achieve this shared vision. Our team helps workplaces achieve an effective people strategy through training sessions, conferences and talks as well as other activities that can reinforce super effective thinking, and ultimately, a great workplace culture and people strategy.

Want to revamp your teams ...

Goalsetting workshop by Sarah Murimi a PeopleStrategy consultant at Rensyl Integral.
Goal setting workshop by Sarah Murimi a PeopleStrategy consultant at Rensyl Integral.
Vision boarding during a goalsetting workshop by Sarah Murimi a PeopleStrategy consultant at Rensyl Integral.
How we do it
Workshop/ Training sessions

Our highly experienced teams provide round-the-clock support for businesses looking at building high active teams and managing the people effectively. We conduct training and brainstorming sessions where people meet to discuss pertinent workplace issues which include but are not limited to diversity, equity and  inclusion.

We also conduct sessions aimed at helping the top management and human resource professionals understand the dynamics of talent development, and how to build super effective teams, as well as effective leadership.

Our sessions range from understanding one’s purpose, to how a person can meet their own potential, because if one can master themselves, then we can meet and even surpass the expectations of their employer.

We conduct training to help organizations discover the power of their uniqueness, and harness. This includes helping come up with diversity policies in hiring and managing teams.

We conduct well balanced training to help HRD professionals realize how to motivate the potential of their team members. Through self awareness and purpose training workshops which go as far as offering capacity building in crucial aspects such as emotional intelligence, which is key to a great people strategy.

Our commitment to working with clients to build highly effective teams spans across the board, continually testing and advising on what works, in terms of minding the mental welfare of teams. This is accomplished by our team of skills psychologists.

We know and understand it begins from the top down if it has to be effective, so for us, creating the next generation of leaders is more than crucial, and leadership cannot be effective without the right communication skills, which are skills our team of experts impact on teams.

Building Effective Career Relationships
Building Effective Career Relationships